The Darfur Genocide

it was a market day” and we where there to sell our seeds . the armed man arrived on horseback  and started firing at everybody. very few of us survived…. that’s what I remember of the day the Janjaweed came to our village”. Darfur is the latest in a long series of wars in Africa and is the worst Humanitarian crisis currently affecting the planet. Around 100.000 have been killed and some 2.2.million people have left their villages.

The former secretary general of the UN Kofy Annan described the situation as “hell on earth”, the US referred to the ceaseless atrocity in western sudan as genocide…  Laura Boldrini UNHCR spokeperson. The story tells about life in refugees camp as Abushouk (north ), Kalma (south), Kass (north), Garsila (west).

Darfur region, Sudan 2005